Chantal Joffe
1969 Born in St. Alban's
Lives and works in London


1998-99 Abbey Scholarship, The British School at Rome
1994 - 96 Delfina Studio Trust Award
1992 - 94 M.A. Fine Art, Royal College of Art, London
1993 Elizabeth Greenshields Award
1993 Paris Studio Award (Royal College of Art)
1992 - 94 T.I Group Scholarship
1988 - 91 B.A. (Hons) Fine Art, Glasgow School of Art
1991 Nat West 90's Prize for Art
1991 John Kinross Memorial Scholarship
1987 - 88 Foundation Course, Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts


2000 January Victoria Miro Gallery, London
1999 September Feigen Contemporary, New York
1999 March Galleria Marabini, Bologna
1999 March Il Capricorno, Venice


2000 Shadow Of Glamour One in the Other, London
The practices of the perception. Galeria Civica Trento. Italy
My Love Painting. Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna
Joffe/Flannagan Gallery Akinci,Germany
1999 British Portrait 1 Studio d'Arte Raffaelli, Italy
6min.3sec Tullkammaren/Galleri Brage, Sweden
Equilibri Precari, The British School at Rome, Rome
Temples of Diana; Blue Gallery, London curated by Neil Brown
1998 Saks Project Art, Saks Fifth Avenue, New York
The Painter's Progress, The Royal College of Art Collection, Pallant House Gallery, Chichester
Whitechapel Open, Whitechapel Gallery, London
Facts & Fictions, Galleria IN ARCO, Turin, Italy
1997 Chantal Joffe and Dawn Mellor, Victoria Miro Gallery, London
1996 SAD, Gasworks, London
Glass Shelf, ICA, London
New Contemporaries, Camden Arts Centre, London
Big Girl, Little Girl, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh
The Death of the Death of Painting, curated by Kenny Schacter, New York
New Contemporaries, Tate Gallery, Liverpool
1995 Delfina Studio Trust Summer Show, Delfina Studios, London
1994 Into the 90's, Mall Galleries, London
1993 Whitworth Young Contemporaries, Whitworth Gallery, Manchester
National Portrait Award Exhibition, National Portrait Gallery, London
1992 National Portrait Award Exhibition, National Portrait Gallery, London
Glasgow Salon, Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow
1991 Nat West 90's Prize for Art, Nat West Tower, London
Group Show, 369 Gallery, Edinburgh
Student Show, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh


1996 16 April Adrian Searle Searching for ourselves, The Guardian,
1996 21 July Tim Hilton A brush with business, Independent on Sunday, p. 22
1997 Autumn Matthew Collings Modern Painters,
1997 6 Feb David Cohen Painting in London through thick and thin, ArtNet Worldwide,
1997 April 16-23 Sarah Kent Chantal Joffe, Dawn Mellor, Time Out, No. 1391, (ill)
1997 Sept-Oct Neal Brown Chantal Joffe and Dawn Mellor, frieze, No. 36, (ill)
1998 Jan-Feb Martin Maloney Bad painting, Flash Art,
1999 April-May Guido Bartorelli Chantal Joffe, Marabini, Flash Art 113,
1999 6 April L'universo Warhol, Calendario,
1999 April Bologna: Locali d'Avanguardia, Dove,
1999 April Arianna di Genova Una "Bad Girl" a Bologna,L'Agenda di Marie Claire, 1999 March Mario Gulliver Com'e sfacciata la pittura di Chantal Time Out,
1999 8 March Chantal Joffe. La ragazza teribile e arrivata in Italia!, Arte,
1999 14 March In Galleria, Domenica: Il sole 24 Ore,
1999 February/March Liz Arnold Dexter Dalwood, Chantal Joffe, Martin Maloney,
n Arco, Torino, Flash Art
2000 Jan/Feb Tiziana Conti Facts & Fictions, Tema Celeste pp91
2000 Jan 22-28 Tom Lubbock The five best shows in London The Independent Going Out.pp13
2000 Jan 25 Sacha Craddock Chantal Joffe
2000 Jan 26 Izi Glover Chantal Joffe Time Out, London


Dick Price The New Neurotic Realism, The Saatchi Gallery, London, 1998
Christopher Frayling, Paul Huxley The Royal College of Art Collection, A selection of paintings and drawings, Artwise, London, 1998
Sarah Kent London Art Now, Saks Fifth Avenue Art Project, Dinaburg Arts and Saks Fifth Avenue, New York, 1998
Sarah Kent etc. Young British Art. The Saatchi Decade, Booth-Clibborn Editions, London, 1999
Luca Beatrice British Portrait 1 Studio d'Arte Raffaelli, Italy.1999
Luca Beatrice Facts & Fictions Galleria In Arco.1999

Victoria Miro Gallery
21 Cork Street
London W1X 1HB
Tel: 020 7734 5082
Fax: 020 7494 1787
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